Driving Success for Madison on Mercer Apartments

We’re proud of our work

The Challenge

Madison on Mercer Apartments faced several critical challenges in their digital marketing efforts. The primary issues included improving the website’s customer experience (CX) to boost conversions, implementing effective tracking and analytics, increasing engagement on social media platforms, and optimizing performance marketing campaigns on Meta (Facebook/Instagram) and Google. These challenges were crucial to generating leads, building an audience, and enhancing the overall online presence of Madison on Mercer.

The Approach

To address these challenges, we developed a comprehensive marketing strategy incorporating various channels and tactics:

Website CX Improvements:

  • Conducted a thorough review of the website to identify and document issues related to speed, responsiveness, and user experience (UX).
  • Collaborated with the BetterNOI team to fix high-priority issues before launching marketing campaigns.
  • Updated the homepage to include prominently placed “View Floor Plans” and “Contact Us” links, enhancing user interactions.

Tracking and Analytics Implementation:

  • Implemented tracking to monitor user flows, clicks on links, and conversions through application forms and contact forms.
  • Developed workarounds for tracking applications and contact submissions despite plugin limitations.
  • Added tracking for key call-to-action (CTA) buttons like “APPLY NOW” and “Contact Us” to measure user interactions accurately.

Social Media Engagement:

  • Created and executed a social media content calendar to revamp profiles on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.
  • Posted engaging content, including pre-launch teasers and launch announcements, to build anticipation and interest.

Performance Marketing Campaigns:

  • Launched targeted Google Ads campaigns focusing on geographic segments within 10 miles and 40-80 miles from Macon.
  • Developed ad groups based on specific keywords, including location-specific, floor plan-related, and broad audience keywords.
  • Optimized ad strategies through A/B testing of headlines and keyword insertion to improve performance.

The Results

Our efforts resulted in significant improvements and successes, as evidenced by the following key achievements:

Website Performance:

  • Enhanced website speed and responsiveness, leading to a better user experience and higher satisfaction among visitors.
  • Increased interaction with key CTAs, resulting in a significant rise in the number of users clicking on “APPLY NOW” and “Contact Us.”

Performance Marketing:

  • Google Ads:
    • Previous CTR: 10.50%, CPC: $3.49
    • Current CTR: 18.23%, CPC: $1.40
  • Improvement:
    • CTR increased by 73.6%
    • CPC decreased by 59.9%
  • Meta Campaigns:
    • Reduced CPA by optimizing ad sets and targeting strategies.
    • Significant increase in leads generated through Facebook forms and direct interactions.

Conversions Tracking:

  • Increased micro-conversions (Apply, Apply Now, Contact Us) due to better tracking and campaign optimization.
  • Steady improvement in macro conversions as the campaigns matured.

Social Media Engagement:

  • Revamped social media presence resulted in a more engaged community.
  • Increased followers and interaction rates on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

Insights and Learnings:

  • Gained valuable insights into effective keyword strategies and audience targeting.
  • Improved understanding of user behavior through enhanced tracking and analytics.

Next steps

  • Build dedicated landing pages to further improve conversion tracking and campaign performance.
  • Launch performance campaigns on TikTok to tap into a broader audience.
  • Refine Meta campaigns by introducing video content and narrow targeting for better engagement and lower CPA.
  • Optimize marketplace listings on Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist to enhance visibility and reach.

The systematic approach to addressing website, tracking, and marketing challenges at Madison on Mercer has led to significant improvements in lead generation, user experience, and campaign performance. The phased strategy and ongoing optimization ensure sustained growth and better engagement across all digital platforms.

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